

About iFrogz

iFrogz believes everyone deserves high quality headphones and earbuds. That’s why we took what’s good in audio—like dual drivers, wireless control features, water-resistance and noise-reduction—and removed all the extras that needlessly drive up the price, like the hype and celebrity endorsements. Now, rich sound is accessible to everyone.

Premium product, premium features, affordable price.


iFrogz believe everyone should be participating in our increasingly mobile world.

iFrogz refines today’s hottest technology to deliver the features consumers want, while eliminating those that needlessly inflate costs.

Experience It Untethered

iFrogz make gear that frees you to enjoy music however you want. They call it 'The Sound of Freedom'.

Headphones & Earbuds

The wide variety of wireless headphones and earbuds from iFrogz have the latest tech and design features so you can take your music with you and listen comfortably anywhere.